Anugraha Bhashanam at Melmangalam

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Melmangalam is an inspiring village in Tamil Nadu that is determined on reviving its ancient Vedic Tradition. Only sixty years ago, this village had 120 renowned Vedic Pandits; today that number is down to only three. Pleased with the intensity with which the residents of Melmangalam are attempting the revival of their ancient traditions, the Jagadguru stopped at this village during His Vijaya Yatra of 2012.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya has said:

वेदस्य हि निरपेक्षं प्रामाण्यं रवेरिव रूपविषये ।
"The Vedas are the supreme authority in revealing aspects of Dharma just as the Sun is the primary revea­ler of color."

Quoting this, the Jagadguru spoke about the importance of Vedic Dharma and our duty to preserve and foster this ancient tradition. The Jagadguru stressed that be it an individual, a group or be it the entire nation, welfare will result only if Dharma is practiced.


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