A. Maasalo: "Tuhansin Kielin" /// "In Thousands of Languages" /// Pan flute & Organ

Описание к видео A. Maasalo: "Tuhansin Kielin" /// "In Thousands of Languages" /// Pan flute & Organ

Stefan Stanciu, pan flute
Hannu Niemelä, organ

Location: Haukipudas Church, Finland.

Armas Toivo Valdemar Maasalo (1885 - 1960) was a Finnish composer and organist. He studied organ playing at the Viipur Lukkari and Organ School in the academic year 1905–1906. In 1907, he enrolled at both the Helsinki Academy of Music and the University of Helsinki, from which he graduated with a bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1911. At the same time, he studied music at the orchestra school of the Helsinki Philharmonic Society. Maasalo supplemented his studies with study trips to France and Germany between 1919−1925. Armas Maasalo's production includes, among other things, two orchestral suites, a piano concerto, organ and choral works, liturgical and spiritual music. He has also composed Christmas carols and songs for school songbooks. In 1932, he published the 50-year history of the Helsinki Church Music College.

"In Thousands of languages"

1. With a thousand languages, oh, if I could praise my God And give thanks, as if I were singing, To raise my mind from the ground, So joyfully I would break out into songs of praise to the Lord!

2. But my thanks is weak, the sacrifice of praise is poor. Oh, if only the creation would join in my song, And the endless wonders of the Creator to utter, To the Lord to bring their praise!

3. Eternal thanksgiving to you, dear Father, God, for everything you have given me, for the treasures of your love! Your goodness is limitless Every morning is always new!

There are originally total of 9 verses in this song.🙏


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