AOE II: DE | Japanese Heavy Cavalry Archers vs Unique Cavalry Archer Units (Equal Resources) |

Описание к видео AOE II: DE | Japanese Heavy Cavalry Archers vs Unique Cavalry Archer Units (Equal Resources) |

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

I forgot to add Georgians Heavy Cavalry Archers!!!

Personal Comments:

This scenario is based on equal total resources from the units. The units presented refer to units with cavalry archer armor. Thus, Arambai, Genitour, Elephant Archer and Conquistador are included as well.

With +2 attack bonus vs archers. Japanese Cavalry Archers become superior against other cavalry archers since they also have archer armor. The only cavalry-archer-line which can win against Japanese is the Magyars. Although in 1v1 they lose to Japanese, in mass battle they are better because of the increased range from Recurve Bow.

Units Information:

The Heavy Cavalry Archer is a mounted archer unit in Age of Empires II that can be trained at the Archery Range once the Imperial Age is reached. It is a fast cavalry with ranged attack which is ideal for hit-and-run attacks.

Heavy Cavalry Archer Stats

HP: 80
Attack: 7+4
Armor/Pierce Armor: 1+5/0+6
Speed: 1.54
Rate of Fire: 1.8
Cost: 40w & 60g
Training Time: 27s - 20.3s

Cavalry Archers Classification:

Bengalis Elite Elephant Archers: No thumbring, more conversion resistance, receice less bonus damage, +20% attack speed (Paiks)

Elite Ratha: No thumbring, +20% attack speed (Paiks)

Berbers Elite Genitours: anti-archer

Elite Camel Archers: No parthian tactics, anti-cavalry-archer, regenerate HP (Maghrebi Camel)

Elite Arambai: no leather archer armor, poor accuracy, no thumbring, missed shots damage other units

Cumans Heavy Cavalry Archers: No bracer, no husbandry, +15% speed, produced 50% faster (Steppe Husbandry)

Elite Kipchaks: No bracer, no husbandry, +15% speed, free 5 Kipchaks for each castle built (Cuman Mercenaries)

Dravidians Elite Elephant Archers: no bloodlines, no husbandry, no parthian tactics, attack 25% faster, regenerate HP (Medical Corps)

Franks Heavy Cavalry Archers: no bracer, no ring archer armor, no bloodlines, no thumbring, no parthian tactics, +20% HP

Georgians Heavy Cavalry Archers: no ring archer armor, no thumbring, regenerate HP, take 15% less population space (Aznauri Cavalry), receive more less damage on higher elevation

Gurjaras Elite Elephant Archers: no ring archer armor, no parthian tactics, cost 25% cheaper food (Kshatriyas), created 25% faster, +4 melee armor (Frontier Guards)

Huns Heavy Cavalry Archers: no ring archer armor, cost 20% cheaper

Japanese Heavy Cavalry Archers: +2 attack vs. archers

Koreans Heavy Cavalry Archers: no bloodlines, no parthian tactics, cost -50% wood, free blacksmith armor upgrades

Elite War Wagons: no bloodlines, no parthian tactics, cost -50% wood, free blacksmith armor upgrades

Magyars Heavy Cavalry Archers: +1 attack & +1 range (Recurve Bow), created 25% faster

Mongols Heavy Cavalry Archers: no ring archer armor, attack 25% faster

Elite Mangudai: no ring archer armor, attack 25% faster, anti-siege-units

Persians Heavy Cavalry Archers: no bracer, parthian tactics available in castle age, receive 5 gold after killing military units

Portuguese Cavalry Archers: no parthian tactics, cost -20% gold

Sicilians Cavalry Archers: no ring archer armor, no parthian tactics, receive 33% less bonus damage

Elite Conquistadors: mounted gunpowder unit

Tatars Heavy Cavalry Archers: +1/+1 armor (Silk Armor), free thumbring & parthian tactics, +25% attack on higher elevation, +2 LoS

Turks Heavy Cavalry Archers: +20 HP (Sipahi)

Vietnamese Heavy Cavalry Archers: no pathian tactics, +20% HP


This 60-number-of-unit scenario is based on the maximum number of a unit group and suits to 200 population setting.

This video is somewhat similar with MikeEmpires, and I do not mind it being called plagiarism. I personally was highly inspired by MikeEmpires himself and AgeArena (no longer updating). If you want to see good quantity and quality of videos, you can visit their channels.


If you have something to talk to me, send an email to [email protected]

Thanks for your supports ^.^


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