Romanian Special Forces - SPP

Описание к видео Romanian Special Forces - SPP

SPP and the US Secret Service held a wide range of exercises together, some of them in Romania and some of them in the US. As such, we could also speculate that FIAT operatives and CAT operatives get a chance to train with each other as well.
Most countries have a specialized service who's only purpose is to protect the life and personal integrity of the President.
In the United States, that structure is called the Secret Service. In Romania, it is called Serviciul de Protectie si Paza, or SPP for short. The Protection and Guard Service of Romania is structured in a similar way as its US counterpart.
The agents of the two services train together and have frequent meetings and conferences. Furthermore, some of their employees are also graduating each other's selection courses.
SPP is split into two main divisions, Sectia Asigurare Misiuni (SAM) - the Operative section, and FIAT, which is a counter-terrorist team.
Since the group is supposed to react to threats against the president himself, it is obviously that the men need to be well trained and equipped. However, training them for operations which regard combat divers, high altitude parachutists and other such categories has nothing to do with close protection duties.


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