MSEO-maxillary-sinusitis-of-endodontic-origin. Ortega Dental Care

Описание к видео MSEO-maxillary-sinusitis-of-endodontic-origin. Ortega Dental Care

Could a Tooth Infection Be the Source of Chronic Sinus Problems?
chronic sinus infections are sometimes caused by an underlying tooth infection
Most people do not realize it, but the roots of the upper back teeth often extend quite close to a hollow air-filled space located behind their cheekbones called the maxillary sinus. If one of these upper back teeth becomes infected, the infection can spread rather easily out of the end of the tooth’s root and spread into the maxillary sinus
These patients will often exhibit low grade sinus or nasal symptoms including post nasal drip or general sinus congestion which they may think is due to seasonal allergies
.Some patients may even experience recurring sinus infections, which are often treated by their physician with antibiotics. While antibiotics will resolve the patient's sinus symptoms for a period, the antibiotics are incapable of reaching the source of the infection inside the tooth. Once the antibiotics are ceased, the infection will slowly re-emerge from the tooth and spread back into the sinus and the symptoms will often recur many months later.
To receive more information or to schedule an appointment, please call us at (949)487-0800


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