K-INFLUENCER | braised mackerel with radish | 韓式辣蘿蔔燉鯖魚 | what is the taste of Korea?

Описание к видео K-INFLUENCER | braised mackerel with radish | 韓式辣蘿蔔燉鯖魚 | what is the taste of Korea?

Hello all lovely pals! 🎀 Welcome to my channel. This is the first ever YouTube video I have done, your feedback is so important, please comment below ;D

follow me on instagram ✨️ silviachann


Braised mackerel with radish
韓式辣蘿蔔燉鯖魚 🐟
고등어무조림 (go-deung-eo mu-jo-rim)

recipe from ‪@paik_jongwon‬ 백종원씨
He is a famous chef in South Korea. Mini Minnie learned plenty of the authentic Korean taste - 맛 from him 👩🏻‍🍳


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