Sonic Superstar Music GOT ME LIKE (Part 2)

Описание к видео Sonic Superstar Music GOT ME LIKE (Part 2)

Sorry I was late, I just had a really rough time finding dancing videos, and now Youtube is mad at me. Ok so anyways, I added steamboat willie because this video was uploaded the same day he got in public domain.
0:00 - World Map
0:16 - Bridge Island Prologue
0:26 - Bridge Island Act 1
0:45 - Bridge Island Act 2
1:15 - Bridge Island Act Fruit
1:30 - Speed Jungle Zone Act 1
2:53 - Speed Jungle Zone Act 2
3:25 - Frozen Base Zone Act 1
3:37 - Sky Temple Zone Act 1
4:06 - Garbage Zone None
4:38 - Pinball Carnival Zone Act Fruit
5:13 - Lagoon City Zone Act 2
6:18 - Trip's Friendship
6:33 - Cyber Station Zone Act 1
7:18 - Cyber Station Boss (Here we go again)
7:37 - Frozen Zone Base Act Tails
7:51 - Frozen Zone Base Act 2
8:15 - Frozen Base Boss
8:43 - Egg Fortress Zone Act 2
9:08 - Last Story Map
9:22 - Special Stage 2? (Did I make another typo again...)
9:45 - Final Boss
10:52 - True Final Boss


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