Pyramid Torsion Field Animation

Описание к видео Pyramid Torsion Field Animation

Torsion field animation of pyramids and other shapes. Pyramids as Torsion Conductors and Generators

Russian and Ukranian research into pyramids has yielded some very interesting results regarding torsion waves. The Russians found that the pyramid shape naturally harnesses torsion waves, as if amplifying them. It has been experimentally established that objects that feature the Golden Section (which expresses Phi) can be described as passive torsion generators.16 The team of Prof. A.G. Antonov from the Russian R&D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology tested the effects of a solution of 40% glucose in distilled water after it had been stored in the pyramid. By administering only 1 ml of the glucose to 20 different prematurely born infant patients with compromised immune systems, their levels of health were seen to increase rapidly up to practically normal values. The researchers furthermore discovered that the glucose was not necessary, as the same effect could be produced by simply using 1 ml of ordinary water that had been stored in the pyramid.17 Another study in Russia showed that mice drinking torsion-affected pyramid water had significantly fewer tumors develop than the mice drinking the ordinary water.18 (Elsewhere, Russian scientists have reported that mice subjected to static torsion fields showed significantly enhanced immune function.19) Blunted razor blades also sharpen again as the crystalline structure is regenerated by the harnessed energy.20 These are just a few of the many effects observed and verified by large numbers of qualified scientists. The best and most up-to-date review of the incredible effects produced by pyramids as they harness torsion fields is provided by Wilcock in The Source Field Investigations (Dutton, 2011).

Some time around 1980, out-of-body explorer Robert Monroe was driving past his old home in Westchester County, New York—the site of his first out-of-body experiences. As Monroe recalled, a psychologist friend who was with him in the car took one look at the house, turned, and smiled, as he noted that the roof of the house formed a “perfect pyramid.” “You were living in a pyramid. That did it!”21 The ancient pyramids, in particular the Great Pyramid at Giza, served multiple esoteric functions such as facilitating OBEs, as in a shamanic initiation-type ritual.22 Pyramid placement at certain node points on the planetary grid suggests that they act to harness the planet’s life-enhancing energies, and perhaps stabilize the grid itself. They are not gigantic tombs for dead pharaohs, that much is certain, but that is a topic beyond the scope of this article. Wilcock explains that any cone-shaped or cylindrical object will harness and focus the torsion fields spiraling out of the Earth; since this energy is fundamentally intelligent, harnessing it not only enhances one’s physical health, but one’s “spiritual consciousness” also.23

Torsion waves have the potential to initiate a fundamental paradigm shift. They are bridging the gap between mind and matter in a way that was never thought possible, and in the process they are validating the perspectives of mystics and occultists. Various researchers consider torsion as being synonymous or identical with consciousness itself. Since torsion waves are a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of the cosmos we can see how consciousness is also; consciousness has a real and detectable force which can act on the environment both locally and remotely. Suddenly the notion of something like psychokinesis is not so “paranormal.” Sol Luckman refers to torsion energy as “intelligent light or intention energy emanating from higher dimensions” and notes that it is distinguishable from both gravity and electromagnetic radiation.24 Torsion fields are spin fields within gravity, and as such, they can be used to mitigate and nullify gravity, an idea I explore in relation to bodily levitation in TGI.

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