Mystery Snail Babies: Tips & Tricks

Описание к видео Mystery Snail Babies: Tips & Tricks

Thanks for checking out this video on a few things I have learned along the way raising Mystery Snails! 🐌
If you have any questions or if I missed something you were hoping I would cover and didn't please leave it below! Perhaps they'll be a part two at some point ♡
you can find my current available snails for sale on:
Find me on Instagram for more snail antics @Lavnyia_
Thanks Again!
Hug Your Snails
0:00 Intro
0:30 New Babies?
0:53 Mortality Rate
1:32 Short Story Time
1:59 Feed at Hatch
2:13 All The Food
2:32 Calcium
3:00 Protein
3:07 Where can they grow up?
3:46 Ph is important
4:08 Enrichment
4:32 The move From Breeder to 5 gallon
4:57 Heater?
5:34 Graduation Day to the big Main Tank
5:40 Airstone?
5:57 How Big In 1 Month?
6:21 Culling? & (My version of culling)
7:09 Final Thoughts
7:51 Till we meet again!
For the calcium chips mentioned in the video as well as a bunch of other really good stuff for our snail friends go to
use code: LAV
for 15% off your whole cart!
#babysnails #babymysterysnails #mysterysnailbabies #babymysterysnailcare


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