Birding Brazil's NE Atlantic Forest 1 (TOUCAN, HUMMINGBIRDS, TANAGERS, ANTEATER and more)

Описание к видео Birding Brazil's NE Atlantic Forest 1 (TOUCAN, HUMMINGBIRDS, TANAGERS, ANTEATER and more)

Birding Brazil's NE Atlantic Forest 1 — First video of our 4 video series from our trip to Brazil in January 2017. With some incidental scenery photos from our August 2007 trip to Brazil.

Our "Cover Bird" and Title Bird is the Green-billed Toucan (02:04). It's also known as the Red-bellied Toucan. This handsome bird was photographed early in the morning while we were staying at the Hotel do Ypê at Parque Nacional Itatiaia. As you'll note from the series of photographs, this is a very strikingly colored bird.

Other bird species featured:
HUMMINGBIRDS—White-chinned Sapphire (04:44); Brazilian Ruby (07:45); White-throated (11:17); Sombre (15:44) and Black Jacobin (21:14).
TANAGERS—Flame-crested (01:21); Palm (10:58); Magpie (11:36) and Azure-shouldered (15:21).
HERONS—A new one for us was the Capped Heron (10:11). Wish we could have gotten a better picture of it; but at least we did get a picture. Also appearing are the Cocoi (12:21); Rufescent Tiger (12:29) and Boat-billed (13:00).
MANAKINS—Beautiful Blue Manakin with its jaunty red cap (17:31) and a nice Pin-tailed Manakin (18:09) showing just how coloration and plumages varies within the Manakin family.
HORNEROS—Rufous Hornero working on a nest (04:30) and a Band-tailed Hornero (13:16) making use of manmade perches.
BURROWING OWLS (10:39) decided that they didn't want to burrow.

LOOK for, Brazilian Teal w/ White-faced Whistling Duck (06:54); Yellow-green Grosbeak (16:00); Chestnut-bellied Euphonias beginning at (16:32) with a multi-colored juvenile male.

ALSO woodcreepers, flycatchers, doves, xenops, limpkin, and many more.

Not just birds:
MARMOSET—(09:03) was observing us.
ANTEATER—Northern Tamandua Anteater (11:56) didn't seem fazed by us at all.
LILY—White Garland Lily (14:38) was so lovely.

Locations visited included REGUA—Reserva Ecológica Guapiaçu, Pousada Vale dos Sonhos, Barra do Piraí, Valença, Carmo, Duas Barras, Parque Nacional Itatiaia, and more.

The staff at REGUA made our stay there comfortable and provided excellent guides. The grounds there make for great birding and wildlife viewing. We saw many insects too, but didn't get them photographed on this trip.

After we finished our time at REGUA, we met the guide for the balance of our trip, Ricardo. He drove us to all of our other locations. He helped us find SO many birds! We highly recommend REGUA and our independent guide Ricardo.

Equipment used was Canon 70D with a Canon EF100-400mm lens.


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