Kate’s Keepsakes 💎 Dickinson’s Heart

Описание к видео Kate’s Keepsakes 💎 Dickinson’s Heart

* Fifteen years ago, I received a remarkable gift from an elderly woman: three Osgood Vest Pocket Series books, published by James R. Osgood and Co. of Boston between 1875 and 1877, along with an assortment of silver, artworks, and trinkets. She had discovered this treasure trove in the attic of her childhood home in Hackensack, New Jersey, during the mid-1970s.
* Each of these books contains poems and dedications, hand-written in blue ink on the front or back covers, with dates ranging from 1877 to 1881. The dedications, from Emily to Kate, add a personal and historical touch to the collection. Also included in the box was "La Guerre des Dieux," published in 1804 by Évariste Parny, a work that was banned by the French government in 1927.
* Join me as we unravel the riddle of Kate—the artist, the poet, the receiver of gifts and poetry from Emily.


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