P-SB7 Spirit Box Faraday Pouch Review - With vs. Without

Описание к видео P-SB7 Spirit Box Faraday Pouch Review - With vs. Without

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tl;dw: Skip to @07:08 to hear the responses I got from my latest session today!

So, basically, I personally get no responses with the pouch on. It would make sense I suppose, if the "spirits" use radio transmission to communicate, that they'd have an even harder time doing so when you block out said radio transmissions.

Again, this is where an uninformed skeptic will say "Aha! See! You are just hearing radio snippets and imagining they are saying something meaningful!". Incorrect. (and if you think so, you need to watch more videos or get one for yourself)

When the Spirit Box is scanning 10 stations per second and you hear a voice clearly answering your direct questions, with answers that span 2, 3, 4 or more seconds (that's 20 to 40+ stations scanned within that timespan), you can eliminate the possibility of it being regular radio broadcast voices.

Not to mention, in my experience, the voices that come through are somehow robotic sounding. Very interesting. I notice this a lot with Steve Huff's sessions too (HuffParanormal).

Sorry for the muffled audio on this one.. used my webcam mic by mistake and there was this awful, high-pitched tone I had to filter out which muffled the audio altogether.

Anyhoot, I gave it a quick go with and without the Faraday pouch. Nothing with the pouch on, but any thoughts on what it said after I took the pouch off and asked "What's your name?"

I thought at first maybe it said Vivian? Then I thought maybe it was calling me an idiot. LoL :P


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