Dear Family of Light!
I was guided to speak about the I AM THAT I AM. This is our eternal and immortal infinite God Self, our Spirit monad. I AM speaking about it from my own simple spiritual perspective, but if You desire a more intellectual concept, there is an article from I AM University below!
Within Divine Love, Polona
P.S. I AM - By Dr Joshua David Stone
"The Spiritual constitution of every person on the path of ascension really involves four major parts. These parts are your Soul, Superconscious Mind, Oversoul and Monad or Mighty I AM Presence!
Many people get confused about this because there are so many different names for these aspects of Self. Some people call the Soul the Soul Extension. It is the aspect of your Oversoul that is incarnated into a physical body for the purpose of becoming an Integrated Ascended Master, passing Spiritual tests and learning lessons, as well as being of service. The Soul is not one place in your physical body, like in your pineal gland or Heart Chakra, as some people think. The Soul pervades your entire physical body. Many people are not awakened to their Soul and think they are just a physical body. At the third initiation, which is called Soul Merge, one fully merges and awakens to the fact they are an eternal and immortal Soul.
To Achieve Ascension You Must Merge With Your Soul, Superconscious Mind, Oversoul, and Monad. Secondly, we not only have a conscious and subconscious mind, we have a Superconscious Mind. This is literally a higher mind that can access the Akashic Records and is an aspect of God within you. It is your true teacher. Edgar Cayce became world famous, for he was a channel for this mind. The Superconscious Mind, also known as the Higher Self, has the job of training you to become an Integrated Ascended Master. So it is constantly giving you guidance, dreams, inspiration, intuition, thoughts, images, synchronicity and lessons to help you develop in the areas where you are weak, in terms of Self and God Realization. It guides you to books to read, workshops to go to, tapes to listen to and on and on. Every person should develop a close personal relationship to one's Superconscious Mind. This does not mean you have to hear a voice like Edgar Cayce did, for the Superconscious Mind is communicating with you all day long through a variety of means, if you have the eyes to see and ears to hear. Your Superconscious Mind loves that you are doing this correspondence course and reading this lesson, for these teachings are part of the Superconscious Mind's curriculum for you. On the path of initiation and ascension it is important that you merge and integrate with the Superconscious Mind. You do this by developing your consciousness to the point that your thoughts, feelings, emotions, energy, words and actions are all guided by and mirror the consciousness of the Superconscious Mind in how you live your life! Then the three minds function as one mind. You are the master of the subconscious mind and you are completely subservient to the Superconscious Mind, which is the consciousness of the Spirit / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess Within.
So in the process of ascension, one first merges with the Soul, then the Superconscious Mind, then the Oversoul, and then the Monad or Mighty I AM Presence! Then you are an Integrated Spirit / Christ / Buddha / Krishna / Moses / Mohammed / Mighty I AM Presence / God / Goddess living on Earth. This is the example the Sananda/Jesus set 2,000 years ago in his life on Earth.
The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Spirit-attuned Extraterrestrials all work with these aspects of self to help train you to become an Integrated Ascended Master and Enlightened Being. Once you achieve your Integrated Ascension and become an Integrated Ascended Master, of which there are very few on the Planet at this time, the next step is to call and merge with the Cosmic aspects of our Divinity, which are God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Mighty I AM Presence and Monad are your individual sparks of God within you. God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are the Cosmic aspects of Divinity for the entire Omniverse! So it is Spirit, the Masters' and my hope that this brief discussion has given you a good, quick overview of the planetary and cosmic ascension process in terms of the Spiritual guidance you must merge with in consciousness, light and love, to become Self and God Realized!"
(I AM University)
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