Jennifer Mcabe's Cross Examination: Body Language Breakdown

Описание к видео Jennifer Mcabe's Cross Examination: Body Language Breakdown

Video Chapters
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:27 Video Compilation: Combativeness
00:08:05 Body Language Analysis with slides, commentary, and watching cross
01:29:30 Thank you / See you later

Jennifer Mcabe Cross Examination Body Language. In this video, I observe and comment on the 1st day of testimony from Jennifer Mcabe's. Together. we will discover the subtle cues and non-verbal signals that can reveal more than words alone. Learn how to interpret body language to gain insights into people's thoughts and emotions in high-pressure situations like a courtroom. This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Based on studying human psychology, body language, and LOTS of trials (as a hobby), I have put together this video with observations, commentaries, and screen shots of body language according to the witness words from her testimony.
This is a case study, and this witness has shown so much body language that I am focusing on her.
I did not "pick a side", as I am open to the ongoing trial, and to see the evidence, the rest of the State's case, and the Defense case.
Whatever occurred that night, I definitely don't have the answers.
I highly respect the family of the deceased, and highly respect Mr. John O'Keefe for his service and example as a human being as it has been shown in the trial. I don't know anyone involved.
This video may be interpreted as leaning to the witness lying, but in reality, I don't have the answers for that either. All I did was study her body language according to the testimony. Please be kind to one another.
Blessings 😊


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