"Tonitrus" - Synthwave, Live Eurorack Performance

Описание к видео "Tonitrus" - Synthwave, Live Eurorack Performance

My submission for EZBOT's community compilation album IV (synthwave theme).

This was a big challenge for me because (1) I know little about making synthwave; and, (2) synthwave requires like actual song structure (hard to do live in modular).

People keep saying my studio walls are boring. Be careful what you wish for.

I hope you enjoy!

(All sounds created, performed, and recorded live from hardware. No computers.)

Main rack: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...
Effects rack: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...
Sequencer rack: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...
Channel I/O: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/v...


Patch Notes:

lead: two layered voices (shapeshifter and vert iter legio), shapeshifter in chord mode, BiPuls waveform, ring modulated with a RCOS LFO from modcan dual delay, fold is getting occasional cv from clank chaos. the shapeshifter is also in morph mode so that ModB can bring in/take out the ring mod. vert iter legio is in SawX mode with chorus set to II, its flavor is being modulated by voltageblock that increases stepwise over 4 bars, tang is also getting cv from voltageblock. both voices go into the ajh gemini 242 filter that gets freq modulation from an envelope. the mix between the two voices is controlled by a acid rain navigator fader. sequenced by nerdseq.

kick: jomox modbase 09, preset 24 with faster attack, extra sub-bass from elektron analog rytm, sequenced by rytm and nerdseq.

snare: analog rytm with some gated reverb

HH/clap: wmd chimera and fracture, some modulation from voltera and clank chaos. both HH and clap into apollo view rabbit hole for drive and saturation. sequenced by nerdseq and metron.

cymbal: 909 sample playing on the rytm, I have a 909 module dislike it greatly.

chords: acid rain chainsaw, droid is converting nerdseq midi to 3 pitch cvs, stereo chainsaw outputs to ime bionic lester in lp and link mode. amp and filter envelope from frap tools falistri. sequenced by nerdseq.

arp: acid rain chainsaw getting arp gates from droid, speed and pitch bend of arp controlled by two droid pots, switchable from chord to arp by droid button.

bass1: macbeth micromac d, osc1 sawtooth, osc2 square sync’d to osc1 and pitch slowly swept by slow lfo. osc3 (pitched down one octave) is also modulating filter freq (can be switch on and off) for that good buzz, filter also getting fm offset from nerdseq. sequencing by nerdseq.

bass2: three ajh mini mod vcos, osc1 triangle out to exponential fm of osc2, osc2 triangle out to osc3 pwm cv, osc2 square, osc3 square, and noise from entropic doom out to ajh ladder filter, filter gets fm mod from modcan dual delay lfo. filter output goes to happy nerding fx aid pro flanger 50% dry/wet. sequenced by nerdseq.

background chirp sound: mutable instruments plats, self modulating fm into apollo view rabbit hole for drive and saturation. sequenced by metropolis,

hi-bass: two serge timbral oscillators tuned together, osc1 sawtooth into wave multiplier, both it and osc2 into the triple+ waveshaper that is modulated by smooth/stepped generator, output to the variable q vcf getting fm from both dusg and smooth/stepped generator, lp from variable q filter into variable slope filter along with audio rate “coupler” output of smooth/stepped gen, hp of filter out to verbos amp and tone. the rate of the smooth/stepped gen is sequenced by nerdseq. The dusg is providing a two stage envelope to the filters and vca. all sequencing by nerdseq.

background pad/rhythm thing: baron samdei input from schlappi angle grinder osc and modulation from steppy and one of the fumana’s band envelopes. output of baron samedi into fumana that is modulated by angle grinder osc and pam’s new workout. this all goes into ikarie filter and out to noise engineering elektus versio. the blend, tone, and regen of elektus are all controllable by the acid rain navigator faders. everything goes into rabid elephant natural gate getting some delay modulation from voltara. sequenced by metron.

reverbs: make noise erbe verb (low tones), strymon starlab (mid- and high-tones).

other glitch/noise effects: complex chain of mimeophone, qpas, q-bit aurora and data bender.

delays: modcan dual delay and strymon magneto.

saturation: bizarre jezebel mimosa

mixing/recording: everything into the allen & heath sq-5


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