Donk did 67 — 28 on HIGH ELO lobby! HARD GAME with COMMS! CS2 FACEIT ( DUST2 )

Описание к видео Donk did 67 — 28 on HIGH ELO lobby! HARD GAME with COMMS! CS2 FACEIT ( DUST2 )

Donk is a professional СS2 player who recently entered the scene and became a young star and top 1 in the world in 2024 according to HLTV. This video shows one of the Donk games.

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— My goal is to reach 300 subscribers by the end of January, help me achieve it! I won't let you down

⚫️DPI - 800
⚫️Sensivity - 1.25
⚪️Crosshair - CSGO-LdXHk-hatWX-JjEa8-tuLDN-5tbJD
⚪️ Resolution - 1280x960


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0:00 - CT SIDE
5:25 - T side
8:20 - Result
10:47 - Overtime T ( 1 )
13:59 - Overtime CT ( 1 )
16:30 - Overtime T ( 2 )
17:35 - Overtime CT ( 2 )
19:51 - Result

#donk #donkcs2 #donkdust2 #donk666 #donkpov #donkdestroyfaceit #donkfaceit #donktop1 #donk67k


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