Best of SuperMega - Justin's Edits & Bits

Описание к видео Best of SuperMega - Justin's Edits & Bits

Part 2:    • Best of SuperMega - Justin's Edits & ...  

   / supermegaofficial  

   / nothinbutlag  

I usually don't use all the transitions that are listed but I still want to credit them.
New SuperMega Heads thumbnail by Brandon
Transitions Credits
Law & Order by Will
Record player "I'm Love with my Dad" by richystardust
RYAN "BANANA!!!" by 8zu
Seinfeld Version and micowave by Anthony    / @anthonymignano8194  
Purple Eric Andre and technology by Waved    / @thisistheglasshouse  
Mario, Arthur, SuperMega: Fostfirepowered on reddit.
Miami Vice by Aweomegra
Traffic light by Yuhara
King of the Hill SuperMega by ??? no name given


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