Stupid Things Some Girls Do

Описание к видео Stupid Things Some Girls Do

Hmm, what can I say? We do a lot of dumb crap haha
OKAY. sooo I have a feeling that maybe some girls will be offended by this....but come on now. This is all just a joke, don't take it too seriously, or I will add that to the list of dumb things girls do ;) haha. If you do some of these things, well.....own it......or change it, I don't care just don't blame me. I will admit, I am guilty of some of these things too!

I had a lot of fun with this video, and during editing I came up with a handful of other things I could have added. If you guys want to give me some more dumb things girls do, I will definitely do a part 2!

Video Facts:
1.) I ended up with a whole bunch of really awkward looking pictures on my phone from all of those selfies. haha I can say that I am not a big taker of selfies so I kind of suck at it haha!
2.) Hannah's first time doing a scripted skit
3.) Hannah was super nervous haha and I kept on having to tell her not to look at the camera
4.) Hannah's parts: the guy and the one in the blue sweatshirt and bun (Let me know if you could tell us apart!!)
5.) The whole video has like on and off music because some scenes were just better without music
6.) stayed up until 5:00 in the morning on a school night to edit this

Thanks so much for watching! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE :D


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