Film4 Idents (HD)

Описание к видео Film4 Idents (HD)

These are the idents used on 'Film4', a British channel which screens films. These beautiful idents have been made by MvsM and are in use since 2014. A custom motion technique, a contemporary take on a classic film strip / projector effect, was developed to span graphic and live-action elements to give the package a visual signature beyond the logo. And it seriously looks awesome.
This is the whole package of 8 minutes long, enjoy!
More info on the whole set can be found here:

01. (00:00) - Gas station at dusk
02. (00:30) - Hallway doors opening
03. (01:00) - Motel room with gun
04. (01:30) - Staircase with piano falling
05. (02:00) - Forest at night
06. (02:30) - Gas station during the day
07. (03:00) - Hallway with fire
08. (03:30) - Motel room with woman
09. (04:00) - Staircase with balloon
10. (04:30) - Forest with children
11. (05:00) - Gas station at night
12. (05:30) - Hallway turning
13. (06:00) - Motel room in suspense
14. (06:30) - Staircase with a pursuit going on
15. (07:00) - Forest with wolves

© Bintro, Film4
1080p, 2014


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