Fake copyright claims... EXPLAINED & SOLVED!

Описание к видео Fake copyright claims... EXPLAINED & SOLVED!

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Fake copyright claims... EXPLAINED & SOLVED!

This video is made for people to understand what is going on when they suddenly receive a fake copyright claim on one of their videos. In addition it also explains how to get the fake copyright claim removed!


Option number 1: Contact the original artist - feel free to copy our message.

Hi (Artist)!

I’m contacting you because I have received a fake copyright claim on one of my videos in which I have used your free to use music. I have given you credit in the description, and I’m sure that it’s a fake copyright claim since the track title and artist name does not match with yours at all.

Here is a link to my video:
(link to your video here)

I’ve also attached a screenshot of the claimant in this e-mail.
(attach the screenshot here)

I know this sucks for you as well, but if you could contact (name of the claimant here) explaining that someone stole your music and distributed it through a music distribution service, then it would be great, because then all the fake copyright claims will get removed!

If you don’t know anything about this, and if fake copyright claims are totally new to you, then you should watch the same video as I just did. It’s a video explaining what fake copyright claims is actually about, and what to do when it happens. You can watch the video here: (   • Fake copyright claims... EXPLAINED & ...  ). In the video they also show this service called DistroLock, where you will be able to register your music, and then DistroLock will prevent people from re-uploading your music to other music distribution services, so you won’t have to deal with this again.

Keep up the good work and have a nice day! :)

Kind Regards,
(Your Name)


Option numer 2: File a dispute - feel free to copy our message.

This is a fake copyright claim. The music used in this video is free to use, and I have permission from the artist (artist name) to use it in my video. Someone stole (the artist)’s music and distributed it through your music distribution service in order to make money by copyright claiming other people’s videos…

The actual music used in this video is “(Track Name)” by (Artist).
Track source: (Link to SoundCloud or YouTube)
Copyright holder: (Artist)
You can get in contact with the original artist here: (E-mail)

Please remove the copyright claim ASAP!


Transcript of the speak in this video:

Have you ever got an email saying that one of your videos contains copyrighted content even though you used free to use music in the video? And now your video is suddenly ineligible for monetization… You are not the only one, because this happens to people every single day. But no worries, you don’t need to mute or replace the song. Let us explain why.

You might be wondering why this happens when the music is free to use on social media as long as credit is given? This is because some people steal the free to use music, and then puts their own crappy voice on top of the music even though this is very illegal. But why do they do this? It’s not because they didn’t understand that this is not allowed. It’s only because they are trying to make some quick money by uploading the free to use music to music distribution services… Because then they will be able to monetize all of the videos in which the original free to use music have been used… This is very illegal and you should by no means try to do this, because you will most likely get sued.

Now you know what actually happens. But what do you need to do when this happens to you? There are two things, which you can do, and we actually recommend that you do both things. We will walk you through the process of how to do both.


When you have done one of these tasks or even both, then the copyright claim should get removed within at least 30 days. Your video will again be eligible for monetization, and you will be paid all the money that your video has earned during the dispute.

Now you might be thinking that you don’t want to use the music from free to use music, because you don’t want to deal with these fake copyright claims all the time. No worries, this happens very rarely with the tracks on our platform. We recommend all of our artists to register their tracks at DistroLock, because it as they say it very well themselves, “Stop jackasses from stealing your music and uploading it to streaming services without your permission”. So you will NOT be getting any fake copyright claims when using the music from the freetouse.com platform.


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