Zubair Ali Tabish | Jauniyat Mushaira

Описание к видео Zubair Ali Tabish | Jauniyat Mushaira

Anjuman-e-Fannan اَنْجُمَنِ فَنَّانْ is a Hyderabad-based youth-led organization for preserving and propagating Urdu Literature. Anjuman, along with HACC (Hyderabad Art and Culture Community) and other artists of the city, has organized various series of events and programs through-out their hometown and one of Urdu’s oldest domiciles – Hyderabad. The main aim of this organization is to bring back the lost interest and revive the dying love of Urdu Literature in this era, especially amongst the youth, and encourage literarians and artists through all possible means.

follow us:
Instagram: @anjumanef


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