Creating Your First Blog Post in WordPress

Описание к видео Creating Your First Blog Post in WordPress

In this video, I want to take you through the process of putting up your first blog post in WordPress. Like everything, it's very straightforward once you have carried out the process a few times.

I have several WordPress websites. I don't plan to move to any other platform as I like to keep things simple as WordPress works for me.

First, you need to log in to your WordPress website and then within the dashboard, you need to go to posts. And then go to add new post. I normally write my blog post into a word document as I find it easier and I can also save the document to my hard drive. There are many other documents that you can use like Google Docs and many more.

It’s important to be aware that when you type into Google word and paste your content into your WordPress website, you paste in plain text. Failure to do this can result in unnecessary formatting and make it harder for the search engines to find you.

I normally use the Yoast SEO WordPress plug-in to check out my SEO. Other plug-ins are available, but I prefer Yoast, which works for me.


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