[Touhou 8] Voyage 1969 2.0 (Recreation)

Описание к видео [Touhou 8] Voyage 1969 2.0 (Recreation)

After dealing with the ancient earth rabbit and the insanity-inducing moon rabbit, there are two infinite corridors to choose. Either of them takes to the mastermind, but which one of them? This theme was recreated twice, and the title of the theme is referencing the events of Apollo 11, the first lunar module to land on the Moon as well as foreshadowing the events of the Lunar War that happened in the same year.

Instruments Used:

SD Series Solo 050 St.Slow Str
SD Series Solo 053 St.Sm Choir
SD-80,90 Special 1 014 Mariachi Tp
SQ Preset Piano 001 St.Concert
SQ Preset Piano 002 Forte Grand
SQ Preset Bass 008 Rock Bass
Steinberg Virtual Guitarist Mellow
Processed Studio Kits 05 Compressor Kit

Illustrator(s): 止血胶布 (Zhixie Jiaobu)

Background Art(s):

Audio Visualiser used: Polar from ZGameEditor Visualizer

東方Project © 上海アリス幻樂団


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