Pilot Medical Test - Does a pilot need to be 100% healthy?

Описание к видео Pilot Medical Test - Does a pilot need to be 100% healthy?

What kind of medical tests does a commercial pilot have to go through in order to get their medical license?
In this video I have the honour to sit down and discuss this with the Chief Medical Officer of SAS, Micke Sjöö.
In this first video, in a series of 2, we will be going through the initial medical test at an Aero Medical Centre (AMC). We will discuss the different tests you will have to take, why those tests are there and important things to think about.

In the upcoming video I will be asking all of YOUR questions. All of the most common questions that YOU guys have been asking over the last 2 years will be covered in that episode so you DONT want to miss that one.

A huge thank you to Scandinavian Aviation Academy for arranging the interview and letting us use their facilities in Västerås, Sweden.
If you are interested in starting your integrated training you can check out their web-page


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IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/saa-v...

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...


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