Telehealth in Cliniko

Описание к видео Telehealth in Cliniko

Telehealth is here! 🎉You can now set up video appointments with your patients and give online consultations.

COVID-19 has drastically changed the way many of us need to work, but your patients are still depending on your care. With telehealth, you can easily schedule video-based appointments that are super simple to access. There’s no fancy equipment needed—just your device of choice, a decent internet connection, and an up-to-date browser!

Telehealth is easy to set up, completely secure, and 100% free for the time being!

While video appointments are currently in the beta stage, we will add more features in the coming days and weeks! So you can expect to see a whole lot more! 😍

Head over to the Cliniko Community to learn how to get it set up:

Or if you’re not already using Cliniko, sign up for a free trial to access telehealth for free!


Информация по комментариям в разработке