The Tabletop Almanac - RPG Reviews: Symbaroum Game Master's Guide (Free League Publishing)

Описание к видео The Tabletop Almanac - RPG Reviews: Symbaroum Game Master's Guide (Free League Publishing)

From @freeleaguepublishing comes the Symbaroum Game Master's Guide: a collection of expanded rules and GMing advice to enhance your games of the gloomy nordic fantasy game of Symbaroum!

Core Book Review: https://thetabletopalmanac.wordpress....

You can purchase the Symbaroum Game Master's Guide at the below Affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I get a small cut that goes towards supporting my gaming work at no cost to you!
DriveThruRPG (PDF)
Noble Knight Games (Print)

This copy was provided for purpose of review.

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