Boba Fett Episode 3 BREAKDOWN (DIDN'T LIKE IT)

Описание к видео Boba Fett Episode 3 BREAKDOWN (DIDN'T LIKE IT)

opening track by @samuelkimmusic

So tonight’s episode was by far my least favourite. It was slow, with some scenes of epic ness, but even those with black krrsantan was too short and honestly not true to his character. He would have broken boba’s back, as well as ripped the heads off the gammoreans and the power ranger biker gang.
Thre’s a lot to discuss so let’s get to it.
First we see the mechanical spider carrying a brain in red liquid. This is a B’omarr Monk, we saw them in the return of the Jedi. These were monks that sought enlightenment so much that they figured leaving their body and resorting to just a brain would allow this to be more possible. They were an interesting order. The older the monk, the less legs the spider bot had. These monks knew how to regenerate, and possessed many secrets of regeneration.
Jabba locked them up beneath his palace, so now that we see them roaming around, maybe boba has freed them. Perhaps they will be a confident to Boba or something in episode 4.

We first learn that under the rule of bib Fortuna, he was too weak compared to Jabba, so he teamed up with others and divided mos espa into quadrants. Trandoshans control the city centre, the qualmish took the worker’s district, and klatoonians took the star port and upper sprawl. While the division wasn’t under the full control of bib like it was for Jabba, each section’s ruler gave tribute to the mayor mok shaiz.

Boba is visited by a townsmen who informs him a band of thugs are stealing his inventory, which is water. So Boba goes out to apprehend the thugs, and finds a bunch of teenagers in a street gang with colourful and shiny speeders. The gang are cyborgs. Basically this scene is like from cyberpunk, and I felt it was super unfitting to the sands of Tatooine. If the gang looked like they just walked off the set of mad max I could definitely be down with this, but in my opinion it was just silly, childish, and didn’t fit on Tatooine. I could see them on Coruscant, but not here. There were too clean and hip looking. Maybe it’s an Easter egg for American graffiti, George Lucas’s movie before a new hope, as the cars there were bright coloured too, but either way I don’t think it fits int he show.

Anyways, they tell Boba they have no jobs, despite being in the workers district. So, he offers them a job to work for him. The same shop keeper who got robbed comes out whining, and Boba pays him $500 credits to bugger off. He doesn’t seem happy and might be vengeful, but we’ll see. At this point I see what Boba is doing, he’s recruiting, he’s building an army. That said, I’m tired of him being so nice. I wanna see the bad ass Boba we’ve all seen in comics. He needs to stop being such a yes man, and be a little more callous. Again, I get he’s building an army, like a godfather, but I just wanna see gun slinging Boba.

We get Boba in his bacta and see another flashback of Kamino, where Jango Fett, Boba Fett’s father is taking off in the slave 1, we see young Boba running to the window, and his face reflected like in the last episode. Only to be replaced with his face today, I think he’s still haunted by the death of his father, and perhaps holds resentment to the one who took him too soon, Mace Windu. I don’t want to see Mace show up, while it’d be cool, it would ruin the original trilogy because I’d be wondering why he wasn’t o the front lines with Luke to kill Vader and Palpatine.

Boba leaves the Tusken village on a Bantha to seek the Pykes. As he cross the town we see Peli Motto walk by with the pit droids. She was in the mandalorian season 1. It’s connecting how we eventually see the boots of Boba Fett save Fennec Shand. These flashbacks will tell the backstory while explaining the current story.

Boba speaks with the pyke and is informed the Nikto sand riders gang have claimed their tax from the Pykes and offered safety in return, the same safety Boba offered the Pykes. The Pykes want to have safe travels, but they don’t want to be taken advantage of, so Boba needs to get rid of the Nicta gang first, so his tusken friends get their right of pay.

Boba returns to the village and sees it in smoke and ashes. The tuskens have been slain by the Nicta sand riders, giving some flashbacks of Anakin and his raid on the Sand People in attack of the clone. Boba walks through and sees them all dead, including the leader. However, the warrior female is nowhere to be seen. I think she survived and will show up later to join Boba. Boba cries and burns them giving them a burial. Boba is ready for war with the Nicta, and I’m enjoying the two timelines we’re getting. Twice the timelines, double the action.

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