2023 中国潍坊风筝节 2023 China Weifang Kite Festival, Shandong Province

Описание к видео 2023 中国潍坊风筝节 2023 China Weifang Kite Festival, Shandong Province

潍坊风筝节每年四月的第三个周六在潍坊举行,有来自世界各地的60多个国家和地区参赛,是中国最早冠以”国际”并被国际社会承认的大型地方节会。The Weifang Kite Festival is held in Weifang, Shandong Province on the third Saturday of each April. There have had more than 60 countries and regions from all over the world participated in Weifang Kite Festival. It is the first large-scale local festival in China to be named "international" and recognized by the international community.


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