Webinar: Structural Assessment of the Garisenda Tower

Описание к видео Webinar: Structural Assessment of the Garisenda Tower

Presenters:  Stefano Invernizzi – Associate Professor of the Structural Mechanics at Politecnico di Torino and Pedro Marin Montanari – PhD Student

The seminar will concern the case history of the renowned Garisenda Tower in Bologna Italy. Results from Non Destructive Techniques monitoring, including Acoustic emissions, Optical fibers, measurements of deformations and displacements of the pendulum installed in the tower will be presented. It will be shown how, thanks to a thermo-elastic finite element model in DIANA, it is possible to interpret the experimental results and provide valuable information for the structural assessment of the tower.

This webinar will be presented by Stefani Invernizzi, associate professor of Structural Mechanics at Politecnico di Torino. He has been also Senior Research Fellow at TU Delft between 2002 and 2007. 

His research interests include: 

- Numerical simulation of historical masonry structures, with special attention to settlement induced damage in building façade, tower structures, vaulted structures and bridges.

- Numerical simulation of Acoustic Emission phenomena in brittle materials and structures.

- Numerical simulation of very brittle structural response via “event-by-event” strategies.

He is co-author of about 160 papers in the fields of Mechanics of Solids and Structures and Contact mechanics, 50 published on international reviews, and 110 in peer-reviewed proceedings of international conferences.

His PhD student Pedro Marin Montanari will assist him during this webinar and give part of the presentation.


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