Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head (part 5)

Описание к видео Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head (part 5)

it's been so long since I've uploaded one of these but I'm finally back with another! and it's longer than normal!
Part 1:    • Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head  
Part 2:    • Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head ...  
Part 3:    • Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head ...  
Part 4:    • Starkid stuff I get stuck in my head ...  
all clips belong to Team Starkid (   / starkidpotter  , all the comments came from me, and wow there's a lot of Twisted in here lol
'Holy Musical B@tman but it's just batman' is next for y'all! plus I've got 2 more videos I plan on posting before the end of August (so I really should get working on those... lol)


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