Quietest Aquarium Filter? Silence your Filter

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What is the quietest aquarium filter on the market? Is it possible to silence my filter? There are some small filters that are extremely quite.

My bf keeps complaining about that my aquariums are not cristal clear. its my first time using substrate and live plants, and real wood, so I think Im doing pretty good for now :D How do you think Im doing and may be some suggestions? (for the small tank, I just added that wood yesterday and before that it was clear.

The right ride picture is ogre the water settling. Is the filter New? If do may be that nitrate cycle hasn't equalled yet. Would suggest oversized filter and a few purposely selected catfish or plecs to help remove algae build up too. Make tanks aren't in direct sunlight too.

I recently bought an Aquaclear 30 HOB filter, and it's started to make a weird bubbly, crackly sort of noise every couple of seconds. Does anybody have any tips on how to fix it? Something may have gotten in around the impeller. Mine will do that at times if I stir up a little too much junk in the tank.

Would sand being caught in the impeller make a sound like a bubble jet though? It doesn't sound like something is caught so much as it sounds like there are bubbles somewhere in the filter. I have 3 of them and have found that when you are starting them, make sure the intake is pushed to the highest flow rate. When mine sounds like bubbles are trapped it is normally because I have not had the intake in the correct position. Once the bubble is out, you can move to a slower flow rate. That is, if it was not sand/gunk in the impeller.

To keep things from getting in around the impeller from now on, get yourself a Pre-filter. Helps your inside mechanical filtration last longer too. Love mine! Guys I bought a baby bristlenose pleco yesterday for my 55 gallon. He’s SO cute!!!! The only problem is he keeps sucking the glass everywhere, and misses where his food is! (There’s no algae on the glass). I’ve put down algae pellets and a cucumber slice and he’s so busy sucking the walls he’s not finding it. Is he going to learn before he starves???


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