600 বছরের রহস্যময় রাজবাড়ীর ইতিহাস | unknown history of 600 years | narajol raj bari 2024

Описание к видео 600 বছরের রহস্যময় রাজবাড়ীর ইতিহাস | unknown history of 600 years | narajol raj bari 2024

Hello friends! In today's vlog, I am taking you on a journey from the town of West Medinipur to the village of Narajol, which is about a forty-minute drive away. You can either take a car from Medinipur or travel by train to Panskura station and then take a car from there.

Standing with a history of nearly six hundred years is the palace of the Narajol kings. The palace bears the marks of time. The body has been ravaged by decay. Crumbling plaster, wide cracks in the brick walls, a collapsed roof, and overgrown vines and trees take you through the jungle and lead you to the main royal palace. The palace consists of two parts: the inner fort surrounded by a moat and the outer fort. The narrow red soil path leading to the inner fort goes over grass.

Around the sixteenth century, Udaynarayan Ghosh founded the Narajol zamindar family. To the common people, they were landholders, kings. It is said that Udaynarayan was the Dewan of the Bardhaman Raja. Many believed him to be a descendant of Ichai Ghosh. Narajol, back then, was a remote forested area, covered in dense jungles. Indigenous tribes lived here. The word "Nara" means the remains of rice plants after harvesting. The stalks left in the fields after the rice is cut are called "Nara" in Medinipur. "Jol" is a corrupted form of the word for water. The area, bordered by the Shilabati, Kangsabati, and Parang rivers, remains submerged in water for several months each year. There is a popular legend about Udaynarayan’s arrival and the establishment of the royal family. According to the story, while hunting in this dense forest, Udaynarayan lost his way. As the sun set, he witnessed a strange scene: a heron courageously attacking a hawk in the midst of their battle, and the entire place was filled with an extraordinary light. That night, Udaynarayan had a dream in which Goddess Durga appeared.

The next day, he returned to the place and discovered a golden idol of the goddess along with great wealth. He then decided to settle permanently in Narajol. In around 820 Bengali calendar year, Udaynarayan established his zamindari in Narajol. He brought several families from Bardhaman, along with local lower-caste people, and settled them in Narajol. Udaynarayan built a temple and dedicated it to Goddess Jayadurga. From that day, Goddess Jayadurga has been worshipped in the royal palace every day.

After Udaynarayan Ghosh, the rulers of Narajol were Pratapanarayan, followed by Yogendranarayan, Bharatnarayan, and Kartikaram Ghosh. Kartikaram received the title of "Rai" from the Afghan ruler of Bengal, Sulaiman Karnani. It is important to note that during this time, the Mughal emperor Akbar ruled in Delhi, and Sulaiman Karnani’s reign lasted from 1565 to 1572. After receiving the Rai title, the Narajol zamindars began using the Rai surname. Subsequently, there were other rulers like Jaymoni Rai, Shyamsingh Rai, and in 1596, the next ruler, Balvant Rai, was awarded the Khan title by the Nawab of Bengal.

On February 19, 1887, to celebrate the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, the British government conferred the title of "Raja" on Mahendralal Khan. Raja Narendra Lal was involved in the Swadeshi movement, and because of this, in 1909, the British government revoked his title. However, he was renowned for his philanthropic work. His son, Devendralal Khan, was a revolutionary in the age of the freedom struggle. The royal family was connected to many famous figures, including Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Maharshi Devendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, Gyanendranath Bose, Hemchandra Kanungo, Khudiram Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Rishi Aurobindo, Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Sarojini Naidu, Bidhan Chandra Roy, and many more. Khudiram Bose's father was the tahsildar of Narajol estate.

In the second part of this video, I will talk about how this royal palace became a hideout for revolutionaries and the relationship the royal family had with the British. I hope you enjoyed this vlog. If you liked it, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to the channel. Thank you, and see you in the next vlog!

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