Chilled Modular - The Halls of Time - Impro featuring Xoac Moskwa II, PolyCinematic & Cosmos Quencer

Описание к видео Chilled Modular - The Halls of Time - Impro featuring Xoac Moskwa II, PolyCinematic & Cosmos Quencer

The first outing with the Xaoc Moskwa II which is a much more sophisticated roto sequencer than my Hikari of course! - I have discovered most features with it and so glad it will do full step skipping when required (mirroring my beloved Korg active step), but of course can do so much more. Particularly like the combination of random and probability (steps and pattern/ratchets) - I used a lot of it's clock division options and step skip in this piece, plus later the random/prob too combined with a lot of other stuff going on ... covered in the patch notes below, but I have started to add short one bar loops to my Pico Drums, and using one in this piece, as well as much better single shot samples. Cosmos Quencer gets a good run here as well as all the apps on my 2 Ornament and Crimes amongst much else. Enjoy and support me on Bandcamp here

This rack detailed here -

Ch1 - Pony VCO sequenced by Moskwa. Clock from 4x Pam2. Envelope from PIpSlope and Doepfer VCF, manual timbre modulation
Ch2 - Cosmos Quencer built in sound and sequencer. Envelope from Left O&C ADSR into Doepfer VCA. Cosmos has a range of mods, but manual density and sound performed
Ch3 - Doepfer A111-6 mini synth - CV sequenced by Left O&C ProbMelod trigger from /17 Pams4 - CV dropped by 2V by Right O&C AttnOff. Modulated PWM and FM with resonance, from OCHD.
Ch4 - Disting EX piano multisample same CV and trigger as Ch3 mini synth
Ch5 - Pico Drums - trance kick and frame drum loop. Kick from 4x4 Pams6 and loop from /8 Pams7
Ch6 - 2HP Pluck offbeat. CV from Right O&C Pigeons and trigger from 1x Pams5 phase 50% (offbeat)
Ch7/8 - PolyCinematic chord trigger and CV sequenc by Left O&C ProbMelod
Sync delay to FXAidXL1 from 1.3x Pams 8. Filter mod from a very slow OCHD.
2nd FXAid on large choral reverb with modulated choral type


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