Penycloddiau Iron age hill fort - WelshBloke Walking

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Penycloddiau Iron age hill fort - WelshBloke Walking

Today we are taking a walk up Penycloddiau in North Wales. Penycloddiau is the largest hillfort on the Bryniau Clwyd (Clwydian Range), and one of the largest in Wales, enclosing an area of 21 hectares.

It has multiple concentric ditches plus extensive ramparts to the north and northwest,
Evidence has also been found of roundhouses throughout the hillfort, a possible enclosure, and central ponds which might have provided the inhabitants with water.

Penycloddiau: https://www.clwydianrangeanddeevalley...

Taith Clwyd/Clwydian Way:

Taith Clawd Offa/ Offa's dyke path:



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