Passing Away and The Crossing Over

Описание к видео Passing Away and The Crossing Over

The end of the age “end of the world” refers to the end of this present era and the commencement of the next dispensation. It is the period that precedes the second coming of the Son of Man as the Righteous Judge.
Mark 13:33“Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.” “In Jesus the kingdom has come; in the preaching of the Gospel, the kingdom is coming; and in the return of Jesus Christ, the kingdom will come in all of its fullness. … “Let us be absolutely clear that we are ignorant about the time of Christ’s return. … We ought not to feel bad about that, because we’re in good company. Actually, we’re in a large company to begin with, because He says that ‘no one knows.’ …
“Our ignorance as to timing provides no excuse for being unprepared. Rather, it is our very ignorance of the timing of the event upon which the stress is actually laid by Jesus …. Ignorance, far from being an excuse, is to be an incentive.” You are probably reading this because you are looking for how to overcome negative thoughts biblically, how to deal with bad thoughts as a Christian or how do deal with negative self-talk. Which means you probably had a negative thought or negative self-talk sneak into your mind out of nowhere. Like a completely random thought about yourself or someone else that you wish you didn't have. Or how about a thought that is just not helpful. The type of thought that keeps you distracted or stuck instead of moving towards the life God is calling you to live. You are not alone; this is commonly called Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANT's). However, I like to call them negative thoughts and/or unhelpful thoughts (NUTs) because sometimes people get caught up in debating whether the thoughts are negative thought or not, instead of taking the thought captive. If you are an empath, you’ve likely known for some time you are different from most people around you. You’ve probably been accused of being too sensitive or overly emotional your whole life. You might find the tragedies and world suffering you see on the news almost unbearable and feel compelled to share in the pain of complete strangers. As a child, you may have had a hard time adjusting to new situations. You may have cried easily, had unusually deep thoughts, or asked out-of-the-ordinary questions. You may even believe there’s something wrong with you or that you have some kind of emotional disorder. Fortunately, that isn’t the case. Being an empath isn’t something shameful or even very unusual. By embarking on a spiritual journey, you can discover who you truly are. A spiritual journey is a very individual and intimate quest to consciously deepen your insight about life. Some people decide to go on a spiritual journey in order to pose themselves profound questions about their life. The journey can, for instance, help them to better understand their purpose in life. Others seek to intensively study the nature of reality or wish to grow their understanding of God. Whatever it is, a spiritual journey can greatly help you to be more at peace with yourself and the world. It can be a fantastic opportunity to let go of the past and to stop worrying about the future. You can also use the spiritual quest to straighten things out with yourself and the world. The following presents you everything you need to know about embarking on a spiritual journey. Naturally, each spiritual journey is quite unique. In fact, the term means a great number of things to different people. For some, it is the decision to live a faithful life in service to other people and their faith. Others consider their entire life as a spiritual journey. After all, isn’t life in itself a journey in one way or the other? “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
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Earth Changes News Channel
If you would like to donate to Earth Changes News Channel, it would be greatly appreciated. As some of you may not be aware. I live totally Off the Grid in a remote location of New Mexico. With your help, the messages in these videos, can be spread throughout the world, so those can prepare Go to PayPal and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries Sometimes it's slow, you may have to try two or three times If You Would Like to Donate to This Channel


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