Ports, Past and Present: Rosslare Harbour (2022)

Описание к видео Ports, Past and Present: Rosslare Harbour (2022)

In this film, we look at Rosslare Harbour and how the community is connected and intertwined with the ferry route that serves this Irish port town. To get to know the landscape and the history, we hear from the people in the know. We meet up with six local characters, social historian Madeleine, maritime historian Leo, scout leader Adrian, folk musician Brendan, horse rider Sabrina, and local surfer Jack. We hear of their passion for the heritage, and how their love for the place they call home is shaping the future.

Produced by Mother Goose Films and shot on location in ferry port towns of Ireland and Wales. Commissioned by Aberystwyth University as part of the Ports, Past and Present project. Funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme.

Cynhyrchwyd gan Mother Goose Films o gwmpas porthladdoedd Iwerddon a Chymru. Comisiynwyd gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth fel rhan o brosiect Porthladdoedd, Ddoe a Heddiw. Ariannwyd gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol.


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