在法国赶海,发现剧毒海兔子和鲍鱼,为何还是空手而归?| 趕海 | 海鲜 | 鮑魚 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 美食 | 法国生活 |

Описание к видео 在法国赶海,发现剧毒海兔子和鲍鱼,为何还是空手而归?| 趕海 | 海鲜 | 鮑魚 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 美食 | 法国生活 |

在法国赶海,发现剧毒海兔子和鲍鱼,为何还是空手而归?| 趕海 | 海鲜 | 鮑魚 | 螃蟹 | 法国 | 美食 | 法国生活 |

When I was driving the sea in France and found highly toxic sea rabbits and abalones, why did they return empty-handed? | Catch the sea | Seafood | Abalone | Crab | France | Gourmet | French life |
When I was driving the sea in France and found highly toxic sea rabbits and abalones, why did they return empty-handed? Let’s rush to the sea to warm up today and pick up small seafood on the tidal flats in Brittany. Sea rabbits have been common before, but this creature is toxic, so it is generally not eaten. Seven abalones were dug. They were big with palms, but they couldn't be taken away. Generally, because there are no rocks in the seaside area, it is difficult for marine life to inhabit, so the harvest will not be much. It doesn't matter if you haven't caught it. Going to the seafood store by the sea to eat some oysters and prawns is also a good choice.
For more interesting overseas rushing videos, remember to follow Yooupi Shitu, which will be updated every Sunday.

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*订阅我的频道,每周带给你有趣的法国美食视频* ————https://bit.ly/3lDNe92

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