Planted Tank Update - Going Dutch

Описание к видео Planted Tank Update - Going Dutch

Iwagumi is a very beautiful aquascape thanks to Mt. Takashi Amano and I truly love the simplicity yet elegant look of it. However, after a while it becomes little boring so I thought I could add more spice to my tank by adding tons of stem plants and create a Iwagumi/Dutch hybrid style.
Its has been only a week since planting. I am looking forward to see how it looks in a month. Will keep you guys posted.

'Reverse' by Uniq is under a Royalty free license.
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Tank: UNS 60U 20 Gallons
Light: TWINSTAR 600E
Filter: Fluval Canister 206
CO2: GLA GRO system

Hardscape: Seiryu stone.
Substrate: Crushed Laval Rock, ADA Power Sand, ADA Amazonia, ADA Amazonia Powder, La Plata Sand.


Micranthemum "Monte Carlo"
Hemianthus Callitricoides (Dwarf Baby tears)
Ranunculus inundatus
Xmas Moss
Myriophyllum sp mini guyana
Pogostemon stellatus
Myriophyllum Mattogrossense
Ludwigia repens 'Super red'
Rotala rotundifolia green
Rotala sp. "H'Ra"

#Dutchacuascae #plantedtank #plantedaquarium #iwagumi
#fishtank #natureaquarium
#montecarlocarpet #bettatank
#aquascape #aquarium #aquaticplants #shrimptank
#bettafish #embertetras #fishfam


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