How to charge Smart Watch without charger (HUAWEI GT2e)

Описание к видео How to charge Smart Watch without charger (HUAWEI GT2e)

This video demonstrates how to charge a Huawei GT2e watch without the charging disc thing. You can do this with any smartwatch that has charging pins.

What you'll need:
1. USB charger/power bank
2. Power source
3. Old USB charger cable
4. Scissors
5. Tape (insulation tape preferred)
6. 2-5 minutes

Cut adapter off old USB charger
Strip back insulation to expose wires
Strip red and black wires (cut off green and white wires and foil)
Ball up exposed wires to create a pin
Set wires on charging pins on back/side of watch
RED at the top
BLACK at the bottom
Secure wires in place with insulation tape

Bob's your uncle.


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