Nicolai Gedda sings Russian Songs & Arias - LIVE!

Описание к видео Nicolai Gedda sings Russian Songs & Arias - LIVE!

Seven songs and arias by Russian composers from a 1959 recital in Paris with pianist Hans Will Häusslein.

Modest Mussorgsky
I. Где ты, звёздочка (Where Are You Little Star) 0:00
II. По над Доном сад цветёт (Garden by the Don Blooms) 3:34
III. Козёл (The Goat) 4:51

Sergei Rachmaninov
IV. Уж ты, нива моя, нивушка (The Harvest of Sorrow) 8:07
V. Здесь хорошо (How Fair the Spot) 12:32
VI. Каватина Алеко (Aleko's Cavatina) 13:58

Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov
VII. Спи, моя красавица (Sleep, My Beauty) 15:41


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