Whining Aix's Mire All 169 Supply Chest/Sonance Casket/Blobfly/Viewpoint Location【WutheringWaves1.0】

Описание к видео Whining Aix's Mire All 169 Supply Chest/Sonance Casket/Blobfly/Viewpoint Location【WutheringWaves1.0】

(UPDATED) After a patch updates on 5th of June, seems like all area are 100% now. If you follow all of my videos then all of your areas should be 100% too. If your area progression is not same as mine after finishing a video, it's normal. You will have the same progression as mine after you finish all other videos in the description.

Huanglong All Supply Chest/Sonance Casket/Blobfly/Viewpoint Location Guide 【Wuthering Waves 1.0】#wutheringwaves
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Jinzhou    • Jinzhou All 66 Supply Chest/Sonance C...  
Central Plains    • Central Plains All 214 Supply Chest/S...  
Central Plains Leftovers 1 Supply Chests    • Huanglong Central Plains Leftovers 1 ...  
Desorock Highland    • Desorock Highland All 120 Supply Ches...  
Port City of Guixu    • Port City of Guixu All 150 Supply Che...  
Dim Forest    • Dim Forest All 126 Supply Chest/Sonan...  
Dim Forest Remaining 2 Supply Chests    • Dim Forest 100% Exploration Remaining...  
Wuming Bay    • Wuming Bay All 64 Supply Chest/Sonanc...  
Wuming Bay Leftovers 1 Supply Chest    • Huanglong Wuming Bay Leftovers 1 Supp...  
Norfall Barrens    • Norfall Barrens All 76 Supply Chest/S...  
Whining Aix's Mire    • Whining Aix's Mire All 169 Supply Che...  
Tiger's Maw    • Tiger's Maw All 53 Supply Chest/Sonan...  
Tiger's Maw 100% Exploration    • Side Quests Tiger's Maw 100% The Fabl...  
Leftovers 4 Supply Chests P1    • Huanglong Leftovers 4 Supply Chests L...  

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