ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE. Manifest While You Sleep Meditation

Описание к видео ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE. Manifest While You Sleep Meditation


Ask. Believe. Receive. MANIFEST While You Sleep Meditation

Intro: 0:00 - 3:45
Guided Meditation 3:45 - 20:50
Manifest Affirmations 20:50 - 3:00:00

What I am about to tell you is a guide. A guide that will allow you to manifest anything you want into your life.
Many, after hearing this guide, will believe it to be impossible. Understandably so. The guide is so simple, yet it promises unfathomable results.
I am not the creator of this guide. These same rules have been used thousands of years before you or I even came into existence on this earth, and they will continue to be used for generations, long after we are gone.
The first step is ASK. Ask for what you want. It is that simple. Ask for what you want. But, to ask for what you want, you must know what you want. And when you do ask, You must be specific and you must be very clear when asking for what you want.
The second step is BELIEVE. To believe, you must know that what you are asking for is coming to you. Believe that it is not only possible, not only probable, IT IS INEVITABLE. Believe that this world is abundant and can provide for you anything you ask for. Believe that there are forces in this universe that are capable of manifesting and bringing to you exactly what you are asking for. You must visualize it, you must feel as if you already have what you want.
The third step is RECEIVE. You have been clear in what you have asked for, and you believe it with a full heart, Now you must Receive what you have asked for. You must know that you are worthy of it, Know that you are capable. Know that you are enough, and receive what has already been given to you. Reach out your hand and receive what is being given to you. The first two steps will guide you to water. But YOU must drink it. The opportunities will be shown to you, and YOU must take action.
This meditation will serve as your guide. Taking you through the three steps of ASK, BELIEVE, and RECEIVE. Following these three steps while in meditation just as you fall asleep, provides the most powerful influence on the subconscious mind, ingraining these thoughts and believes throughout the entirety of your sleep. Listen for 30 nights as you fall asleep, and you will begin to understand and see how you have the power to manifest anything you want.

Ebbs And Flows Preview by Kevin MacLeod



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