Zikr E Khafi By Adv Zuhaib Hafeez, This video the beautiful motivational video Another good informative video about, Zikr E Khafi. What is Zikr E Khafi? Zikr E Khafi, also known as Zikr e Qalbi or silent dhikr or Qalbi zikr or silent zikr of the heart, is practiced by the followers of Sufi Muslims Sufism. Zikr E Khafi Method focuses on dhikr and remembrance of Allah in one's heart. Of all the dhikrs, Zikr e khafi has precedence and superiority, Because the Zikr e Khafi secret remembrance is directly related to the essence of the Almighty. The angels sitting on both the shoulders of man cannot even know about the Zikr e Khafi secret remembrance. There is a blessed hadith about Zikr e Khafi, secret remembrance, an authentic book of Ahl as-Sunnah, which is a book of Interpretation. There is a blessed hadith in it about secret remembrance, Hadith No. 81, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, the virtue of Zikr E Khafi, secret remembrance which no one can hear is 70 times more. That is, Zikr e Khafi, secret remembrance is 70 times superior to the second Zikr or Dhikr or remembrance. As Hazrat Ghous Pak says, that your tongue is better than 70 times dhikr, your heart should mention it once, now the same thing is here in the hadith. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that on the Day of Resurrection Allah will gather all the creatures for reckoning, and the angels who write the deeds will present what they have written. Then Allah will say to them, "Look, there is nothing left." Then the angels will say, "Allah, we have not spared anything. We have saved what He has done." Then Allah will say: I know your secret action. That is, even the angels do not know about Zikr e Khafi, secret remembrance, your secret action is in my knowledge and you do not know and I will reward it. And that act is secret remembrance and it is an authentic hadith. What is the explanation of Zikr e Khafi secret remembrance? Zikr-e-Khafi means you have a heart, Qalb. The Qalb, heart is also a soul-like creature enclosed in one hundred and eighty thousand chains. When the Kamil Peer looks perfect, he transmits the light of Allah with his light vision. Secret remembrance or remembrance of the heart means remembering Allah with one's heartbeat, remembering Allah with one's heart and not having anything other than Allah in one's heart while worshiping Allah. Man does not know this and runs after the world, but perhaps he does not know that the success of this world and the hereafter is in the remembrance of Allah. What you have to do in Zikr e Khafi, secret remembrance is to silently recite Allah with your heartbeat, to recite "Allah" with one tick of the heart and "Hoo" with the other tick. #ZikrEKhafi #ZikrEQalbi #FikarEIqbal
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