My Declawed Cat

Описание к видео My Declawed Cat

My cat not long after she had laser declaw surgery on her front paws by my vet. She was up & playing the next day. The video was taken in 2018, and she’s had zero complications since. She climbs, she plays, she doesn’t bite, she uses her kitty litter box, she walks gracefully, even catches mice! No weird personality or behavioral problems, she doesn’t seem to notice they’re gone. The LASER procedure is painless & safe. I live in the US, and the vets here where I live are well trained in the procedure & have excellent equipment.

Anyone posting threats or hateful comments will just get deleted. Keep your hate to yourself. I have no interest in debating you regarding cat care, I've researched this procedure, and I won't provide an audience for your hate or misinformation. I have a wonderful sweet happy healthy cat & have no room in my home for your hate & nastiness. Cats paws are NOT like human hands - we do not have retractable fingernails - & this is not a cruel or abusive procedure. There are LOTS of reasons to declaw. My cat can climb, catch mice, defend herself - she can do everything any other cat can do except she can't scratch your eyes out with her front claws. This is a personal choice, same as neutering or spaying or getting implanted chips or what kind of food to feed or litter to use. People have very intense emotions regarding cat care, but at the end of the day, you care for your own cat the way you think is best - whether you declaw, or let your cat outside, or have 200 cats in your home, or feed them 9 Lives. You do you & you'll get no complaint from me. I'm posting this video because the haters out there don't intimidate me - I know what's best for my cat, & this was a good decision & the cat is doing GREAT, as was my past cat & my mom's cat & my dad's cat & my sister's cat - no one I know of who has declawed cats have had ANY problems at all.

UPDATE JULY 29 2020: Still no problems. Healthy eater, no behavior problems, no litter box problems, she's friendly and funny and healthy.

UPDATE March 2022 - cat still perfectly fine.


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