
Описание к видео cut5.avi

Running No.1 crossbar and No.5 crossbar machines, plus a No. 12 LTD with analog meters and some footage of LAMA operating perforaters. Worked in these machines for about 10 years. An old xbar switchman told me onetime that if you work in a xbar SMB (sender make busy) for 2 years you will start to lose your hearing, if you stay for 5 years you will start to drink heavy, if you stay 10 years you'll start to lose your mind and be a confirmed alcoholic, and if you stay 15 years or more you'll die before age 60. These machines were incredibly loud when running at maximum call processing, this footage is not during the busy hours but you can still hear what they sounded like. Both of these machines were cutover in the 80's. Enjoy any of you old crossbar folks that are still alive.

NAB :-)


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