Borderlands 3 - GTX 980, i7 6700, DX11 vs DX12 on 1080p/FullHD (side by side)

Описание к видео Borderlands 3 - GTX 980, i7 6700, DX11 vs DX12 on 1080p/FullHD (side by side)

Side by side comparison.
API: DirectX 11, DirectX 12
Quality: low, medium, high, ultra
Display: 1920x1080

CPU: Intel i7 6700 (4GHz)
GPU: Asus GTX 980 Strix (4GB)
RAM: 2x8 GB DDR4 (2133 MHz, single channel)
Recorder: OBS (NVENC encoder)

OS :Windows 10
Recorder: Recorder: OBS (NVENC encoder)

Recorded in 30 fps only due to performance affect!

Made with Kdenlive (Linux)

#borderlands3 #gtx980 #dx12 #dx11 #fullhd #1080p #i76700


Информация по комментариям в разработке