Описание к видео BUILD A CONSISTENT GOLF SWING (Greed Is Not Good)

Almost everyone gets greedy when they play golf. I am here to tell you that if you want to build a consistent golf swing greed is not good.

What I am getting at it is, just when people make a breakthrough and they start to build a consistent golf swing, they get greedy and try to get even more. The problem is, the new moves or positions are still fresh. You haven't done them long enough to master them.

So now you try for more and you lose the consistency you just had. Why not be content with the new level? Imagine sticking with it and letting it sink in. If so, don't you think your handicap would start dropping? It sure would. Once this happens, you start gaining confidence. Once you gain confidence, you automatically start getting more distance.

If you are looking to build a consistent golf swing with driver or irons then listen to what I have to say in this tip. I will show you what to look for which is telling you that greed is creeping in and you need to catch it before it gets worse.

Start thinking like this into the future and you will finally get that consistent swing you've been looking for.

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Tip Link:    • BUILD A CONSISTENT GOLF SWING (Greed ...  


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