FARMOST FRONTIER - Cinematic Drum Playthrough

Описание к видео FARMOST FRONTIER - Cinematic Drum Playthrough

"Farmost Frontier" taken from the album "Specvlvm"

Listen to Specvlvm:
  / scorched-æarth  

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Music and Lyrics by Jan Mostecký
Recorded and Mixed by Jan Mostecký
Mastered by Sofia von Hage and Thomas Eberger at Stockholm Mastering

Video Production by Morning Porduction
Camera and Editing by Jiří Vahalík

Welcome to this wasteland!
Where solitude reigns.
Vast fields of emptiness
occupy the mind.

Run from the conclusion!
Find new retribution!
This farmost frontier
is your last solution!
Hide on distant places!
Escape to the shadow!
Let the veil of despair!
Be your only fellow!

Laid in the dirt.
Unable to rise.
Comforted by the rain.
Fed by human cries.

Run from the conclusion!
Find new retribution!
This farmost frontier
is your last solution!
Hide on distant places!
Escape to the shadow!
Let the veil of despair!
Be your only fellow!
Run from the conclusion!
Find new retribution!
This farmost frontier
is your last solution!
Hide on distant places!
Escape to the shadow!
Let the veil of despair!
Be your only fellow!

Be gone!

Run from the realization,
the escape won’t bring you solace!
Only pain shall remain with you!
Deepened with hatred and malice,
you are just another subject,
of this crippling depression!

Decay of I!
Decay of I!


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