God’s Design for a Fuller Life, Gen 2:2-18, Steve Neumeyer Preaching, Transforming Word Center

Описание к видео God’s Design for a Fuller Life, Gen 2:2-18, Steve Neumeyer Preaching, Transforming Word Center

We suffer from a condition that someone diagnosed as “Hurry Sickness.” While modern science has given us better ways to grow food, fuller ways to prosper, and easier ways to connect with people, for some reason in reality we find none of these really working.

When we open our Bibles to the story of creation, we fins man creatd alongside of the other creatures in the world and put in a garden specialy crearted for him. Although sin marred life for mankind in the Garden of Eden, we do find several needs in tha Garden that we desparately need to reach backward for in life.

First, the chapter begins with a principle known as “Sabbath.” Man was created to have a balance between work and rest. Today’s world has lost the ability to rest. We need to regain tha concept.

Second, man was placed in the garden “to work it.” It seems tha mankind tends to go to extreme, either overworking or checking out from work. We dream of a cushy desk job, but in the end, that lifestyle is actally killing us. Our emotional health develops a sense of identity when we work.

Third, Eden presented mankind with a feast of fruits and vegetables. Yes, we need some meat to provide protein, but the modern diet is so full of chemicals and caffeine that we are basically overweight and running on chemicals. We need to regain the concept of right eating.

Fourth, “it is not good for man to live alone.” Man was created for followship. For Adam, it involved marriage. For others it may involve friendships. There is something about fellowship that is healing and restorative. We need to take time for fellowship.

Will you look at Eden’s design for a fuller life, reach back into the past, and find that fuller life?

God’s Design for a Fuller Life, Gen 2:2-18
Steve Neumeyer Preaching
Transforming Word Center
...an Assembly of God Outreach
Eldora, IA

[email protected]


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