Vedic Bilona machine। A2 Ghee Made By Oldest Bilona Method || श्री यदुनंदन

Описание к видео Vedic Bilona machine। A2 Ghee Made By Oldest Bilona Method || श्री यदुनंदन

Made In Brahma Muhrat – Vedic Method
भारतीय देशी नस्ल कांकरेज गौ बिलोना घी🧈🧈

कांकरेज गौ माता के दूध से दही बनाके,मंथन करके बनाया हुआ घी ।
#ghee#bilonaghee#desighee #panchgavya#vedicghee#sanskruti

Benefits of using Kankrej Cow Vedik bilona method Ghee Nasal Drops🧪

Promotes Digestion. Improves Bone Development.🩺

Protects arteries.🧬

Increase Bone Density.🤏

Provide Nourishment.🩻

Improve Immunity.💪 Promotes Healthy Pregnancy.

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My Name is Laxman jatiya
founder of shree yadunandan Panchgavya
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